Styled Hyperlink Buttons

How to make Styled Hyperlink Buttons
Use our Free Hyperlink Button Code Generator to create beautifully styled hyperlink buttons for your website.
I have made a demo page so you can see several different example buttons, how the CSS code is connected to a website and how it controls the button styles.
The demo page is also available for download (below) if you want to take a closer look, play around with the HTML/CSS, or test out new styles from the generator. Just make sure to use the correct type of HTML editor for editing these files.
The download zip contains 3 files
- demo.htm – This is the web page which contains the visual demo of the hyperlink buttons.
- style.css – Contains the CSS layout rules for demo.htm
- buttons.css – Contains the hyperlink button CSS which was created with the generator.
Download Hyperlink Buttons Demo
Download: – 7 KB
More CSS Fun Stuff
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